Faculty of Sciences
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Dr. Pyman Rezaie, PhD in Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks

  • Evaluation of pollution indices, health hazards and source identification of heavy metal in dust particles and storm trajectory simulation using HYSPLIT model (Case study: Hendijan center dust, southwest of Iran). Environmental monitoring and assessment.
  • Halokinetic sequences as indicators of Cenozoic diapiric growth: The Handun Salt Diapir (SE Zagros, Bandar Abbas). Geopersia.‏
  • Controls of depositional facies and diagenetic processes on reservoir quality of the Santonian carbonate sequences (Ilam Formation) in the Abadan Plain, Iran. Carbonates Evaporites
  • Modeling the Influence of Groundwater Exploitation on Land Subsidence Susceptibility Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Natural Resources Research.
  • Facies analysis, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Khan Formation in the Kalmard Sub-Block, Central Iran: implications for Lower Permian palaeogeography, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie – Abhandlungen.
  • Early Mesozoic sedimentary‒tectonic evolution of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent: Evidence from a provenance study of the Nakhlak Group. Geochemistry.
  • Evidence from detrital chrome spinel chemistry for a Paleo-Tethyan intra-oceanic island-arc provenance recorded in Triassic sandRocks of the Nakhlak Group, Central Iran." Journal of African Earth Sciences.
  • Petrophysical evaluation of the Sarvak Formation based on well logs in Dezful Embayment, Zagros fold zone, South West of Iran. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research.
  • Factor Controlling Reservoir Properties and Flow Unit Determination in the Ilam Formation of Dezfol Embayment at Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Southwest of Iran." Open Journal of Geology.
  • Depositional environments and sequence stratigraphy of the Bahram Formation (middle–late Devonian) in north of Kerman, south-central Iran." Geoscience Frontiers

Mehdi Masoodi, PhD in Structural Geology &Tectonics (2012)

  • Tsunami Technical Guide, Port & Maritime Organization of Iran. 2020-2021
  • Land-use planning (Geology & Earth risk analysis) of Hormozgan province. 2016-2017

Research interest:

Makran Tectonic and Geodynamic, Risk analysis (Tsunami, Paleotsunami, earthquake, mudvolcano hazard) and seismic data investigation (acquisition & interpretation).

Mahmood Sharafi, Ph.D. in Sedimentology, 2009-2014

  • Work Experience in RIPI as Researcher (as Senior Sedimentologist in the "Gas shale” and “Geological study of the Gonbad and Gorgan Plains”, “Moghan exploration” projects), Geo-Science Division, 2015-Now.
  • Work Experience in Geological survey of Iran as Researcher (as Senior Sedimentologist in the Geological hazards of the Urmia Lake and Evaporate mineral resources projects), Geo-Science Division, 2013-2015.
  • Senior Sedimentologist of the “Moghan exploration project”, RIPI, July 2019-Des. 2020.
  • Senior Sedimentologist of the "Geological study of the Gonbad and Gorgan Plains projects " Project, RIPI, 2016-2018.
  • Senior Sedimentologist of the project entitled "Gas Shale Resource Evaluation in Jurassic-Cretaceous Sediments in Lorestan Area", PN. 97481113, RIPI, 2015.
  • Senior Sedimentologist of the project entitled "Evaporate mineral resources projects, Geological Survey of Iran, 2013-2015.
  • Senior Sedimentologist of the Project Entitled "Geological hazards of the Urmia Lake", Geological Survey of Iran, 2013-2014.

Petrology of Igneous Rocks,

Dr. Gholamreza Ghadami, Phd in Petrology

  • Ghadami, G. R; Moradian, A.and Mortazavi, M. 2008, Post-Collisional Plio-Pleistocene Adakitic volcanism in Centeral Iranian Volcanic Belt: Geochemical and geodynamic implications. Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 19(3): 223-236 (2008).
  • Alizadeh, Elahe; Ghadami, Gholamreza; Esmaeily, Dariush; Ma, Changqian ; Lentz, David; Omrani, Jafar and Golmohammadi, Abbas; (2017) “Origin of 1.8 Ga zircons in Eocene Mafic Dykes in the Roshtkhar area, NE Iran” , International Geology Review,
  • Adakite signatures in granitoids northwest of Shahr-e-Babak, Kerman, Iran: constraints from geochemistry, Gholamreza Ghadami, Asma Nazarinia,(2022) Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany, 197/3(2022), 263-283, (J. Min. and Geochemistry).
  • Iron deposit of Sangan, Khaf, Project Entitled” Geochemistry, petrogenesis, iron deposite and distinguish REE element plutonic masses in volcanic - plutonic Khaf-Torbat Heydariyeh belt ( masses north of Aliabad Daman and east Thengel Rzdab), Gholamreza Ghadami and Elahe Alizadeh, 2017-2018



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