Vice President for Student Affairs
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- Head of Dormitory Administration:

1- Strict implementation of laws, regulations and bylaws related to the management of dormitory affairs.

2- Supervising and carrying out matters related to the registration of students applying for dormitory.

3- Carrying out matters related to the admission and accommodation of dormitory students.

4- Careful review of needs and necessary forecasts regarding the elimination of deficiencies in dormitories

5- Visiting student dormitories

6- Preparing statistical information of dormitory residents and announcing it to the Welfare Fund.

7- Quantitative and qualitative supervision of the current affairs of the dormitory, including services, facilities and administrative affairs of the staff of the subdivision.

8- Carrying out affairs related to the student dormitory union council.

9- Supervising the students' settlement.

- Brothers dormitory management expert:

1- Doing things related to the registration of dormitory students

2- Carrying out matters related to the issuance of student accommodation permits in dormitories

3- Doing things related to issuing guest permits

4- Carrying out matters related to the registration of deposit slips of dormitories

5- Doing things related to students' settlement

Expert of the Dormitory of the Sisters:

1- Doing things related to the registration of dormitory students

2- Carrying out matters related to the issuance of student accommodation permits in dormitories

3- Doing things related to issuing guest permits

4- Carrying out matters related to the registration of deposit slips of dormitories

5- Doing things related to students' settlement

6- Performing other tasks assigned by the superior authority.

- Sisters' dormitory management expert and dormitory management accountant:

1- Doing things related to the monthly salary of student affairs.

2- Carrying out matters related to pre-invoices for the purchase of essential supplies, equipment and facilities of dormitories.

3- Performing documents for expenses and settlement of accounts.

4- Registration and separation of accounting documents.

5- Archive of accounting document receipts.

6- Performing other tasks assigned by the superior authority

7- Carrying out matters related to the correspondence of the student deputy and management

8- Carrying out matters related to updating the annual performance report of the student deputy

9- Doing things related to the higher education system

10- Carrying out matters related to the education system and the annual evaluation of the staff of the student deputy

11- Carrying out matters related to the field of student support on the university website

- Student Affairs Officer:

1- Inquiring the price of goods before buying and getting a pre-invoice.

2. Selection and selection of quality and standard goods.

3- Providing and transporting the purchased goods and delivering them to the warehouse and receiving them

4. Set the cost document of the purchased goods equal to the invoice.

5. Settlement of salary received in each month.

6- Performing other tasks assigned by the superior authority.

Head of Student Welfare Office:

1- Supervising the affairs related to the registration of student loans

2- Supervising the affairs related to the issuance of dormitory fee receipts

3- Supervising the affairs related to the issuance of the installment book

4- Supervising the affairs related to students' settlement

5- Supervising the affairs related to the collection of welfare fund salary claims

6- Supervising the affairs related to student work

7- Supervising the affairs related to student accident insurance

Welfare Office staff:

1- Doing things related to student loans

2- Doing things related to students' settlement

3- Carrying out matters related to the formation of students' files

4- Doing things related to issuing student facility receipts

5- Arranging and sending administrative correspondence

Head of Nutrition Department:

1- Supervising the provisions of the contract for cooking and distribution of food

2- Supervising the quality of food raw materials in terms of having health licenses, brands, expiration dates and ......

3- Supervising the quantity and quality of food provided to students, professors and staff

4- Monitoring the performance of nutrition automation in terms of increasing credit, food reservation, and cooking statistics directly and indirectly through the operator of the nutrition department

5- Establishing a relationship with the students' union council and obtaining their opinions about the quantity and quality of the food provided and trying to improve the nutrition services.

6- Planning and supervising the implementation of the self-service food program

Nutrition Department Specialist:

1- Performing all feeding automation services such as increasing credit, booking food, planning card readers and ....

2- Obtaining food reservation statistics and printing the names of food reservists and submitting them to the contractor for cooking, distribution and reporting the report to the head of the nutrition department

3- Performing the duties of the head of the nutrition department in the absence of the head of the nutrition department

Self-service supervisor:

1- Reporting the report to the head of the nutrition department in case of any problem in the implementation of the provisions of the contract by the contractor

2- Supervising the quality of food raw materials in terms of having health licenses, brands and expiration dates

3- Supervising the observance of food per capita in cooking by the contractor and supervising the quantity and quality of food distributed to students, professors, staff

4- Supervising all stages of cooking, distribution and submitting a report to the head of the nutrition department

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